
Mom’s Night

This was a community event designed to bring people together to shop local businesses and win awesome prizes. New connections are discovered and friendships formed in an evening of free massages, hors d’oeuvres and other benefits.

Bubble Soccer

We provide the huge inflatable bubble soccer balls, prizes and printed materials for schools to use as a fundraiser at district events. Kids have fun together and the schools win!

Halloween in the Park

Dr. Drew and his team dress up in costumes and hand out candy and Rummel swag to support our community. Children and their parents enjoy the night in a safe, family-friendly atmosphere.

Project Pencil

During our patient appreciation party, Dr. Drew asks those who can donate school supplies. He then matches all donations and distributes the materials to local schools along with a financial contribution to help children learn.

Patient Appreciation Party

Dr. Drew & Dr. Sage celebrate patients who place their trust in him every year with a fun event. Patients, their families and their friends are invited to take part in a fun-filled day with the team.


An exciting fundraiser in which Rummel Ortho provides small soccer balls or basketballs for schools to sell – and keep all the profits – for a halftime competition that has crowds chucking the ball toward the center of the playing surface. The balls are numbered and the winner receives a cash prize, also donated by …

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